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Matt Cutts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Question from Matt Cutts to Google Webmaster Help :-)

Q: How do reconsideration requests work at Google?


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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Google Accounts Log-in Redesign Affects Auto-fill Username / Passwords

Post Google+ launch, Google is busy redesigning most of its apps to match Google+ look and feel, and now they in the process of changing the log-in pages for most of the services and apps with the new look and feel.

Gmail New Log-in Page
The problem after redesign: saved passwords in the browser doesn't work anymore, you have to type and store it again, because with the new redesign, any log-in page is redirected to "Google Accounts" authentication URL which is different from the previous one, and most of the browsers couldn't map the username and password to the new URL.

Can Google get a quick fix to it?

Google Docs New Log-in Page

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