Just a quick update on Google :)
While, I was doing a little research on Google search result, I suddenly found the changes in the result pages (SERP – Search Engine Result Pages), take a look at the below screenshot, I have marked all the possible changes that I found have found. If I have left any, please add comment...
Page Header - Screenshot:
Page Footer - Screenshot:
I think Google has also updated its SERPs. Check your website for rankings.
My blog is at #1 for the keyword “Google links update”, take a look at the below screenshot. :))))
Happy weekend!Labels: Google Update
Recently Google was adding many useful stuff to their existing products they provide, as this is happening, Google has now introduced a new tool in the sitemap (Google Webmaster Tool) to exclude the URLs from our website which we think as secured or unwanted to get into Google's cache.
This particular tool will be helpful in eliminating all the important URLs from getting indexed by the Google's spider.
Refer the below screen-shot,
I think this is one among the cool features from Google.
Hope all had a great week end, but… not for me :(Labels: Google Update
I just wanted to add about the new features that were added to the sitemap protocol. I was busy in some other work so I can't do regular blog posting. Here are few updates of sitemap.
Recently, all the 3 search giants accepted for a common protocol for sitemap (www.sitemap.org) and now it was enhanced with the following features.
Sitemap Protocol in 18 Languages:
Sitemap protocol was now published with 18 languages. This will help all of them to understand the protocol in their own language and enhance their sitemap to get good output from it.
Informing the search engines about the sitemap:
Most of the search engines use robots.txt file, so it is easy for you to tell where the sitemap is live in your website. Just add the sitemap link to the robots.txt file as shown below,
Sitemap: http://www.sampleurl.com/sitemap.xml
Ask.com now supports the common sitemap protocol:
Previously only Google, Yahoo and MSN accepted the common sitemap protocol. Now ASK joins the team. You can submit your sitemap in ask.com with the following URL,
Replace "SitemapUrl" with the exact sitemap URL
The news from ask.com at: http://blog.ask.com/2007/04/sitemaps_autodi.htmlLabels: General SEO
Have anyone noticed the pop-out button on your Google talk on Google's personalized home page. Take a look at the below screen-shot.
And many new feature in Google talk,
GTalk in your website:
Add the below code to get GTalk into your website,
GTalk Everywhere:
Click the below link to get GTalk open into your sidebar. While releasing this option it was told that it will work only in Firefox, but it is working in IE also.
Google Talk Sidebar
Youtube, Flicker and Picasa in GTalk:
View Youtube videos, Flicker photos and Picasa web album by sending the URL through GTalk.Labels: Google Update