#Firefox4 - Bundled with 2 Cool Features from Google Chrome
I am big fan of Firefox but still I liked Google Chrome for some basic features like,
- Tab placement
- Apps Tabs
- Installing Add-ons without rebooting browser
But now the new version of Firefox will have the first two features added.
Firefox 4 Features:
New Tab Location

App Tabs

And the other new features like, 'Switch to Tab' and 'Firefox Button' will add more flexibility and work area.
But I will really like if they can enable Firefox add-ons to be installed without rebooting.
What is your favorite feature and what would you like to see in the next version of Firefox?
- Tab placement
- Apps Tabs
- Installing Add-ons without rebooting browser
But now the new version of Firefox will have the first two features added.
Firefox 4 Features:
New Tab Location

[Image source: mozilla.com]
App Tabs

[Image source: mozilla.com]
And the other new features like, 'Switch to Tab' and 'Firefox Button' will add more flexibility and work area.
But I will really like if they can enable Firefox add-ons to be installed without rebooting.
What is your favorite feature and what would you like to see in the next version of Firefox?
Labels: Firefox Browser
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