New Look to Position² Blogs - My 3rd Successful Wordpress Integration
Today, I have successfully launched the redesigned Position² Blogs. This is my 3rd successful Wordpress integration.
The template was designed using DIV, CSS and CSS Grids. I have not used tables at all.
This project is a successful inclusion to my earlier list of Wordpress integration: Subroto Bagchi's blog and MindTree Foundation website.
Thanks to Zubin for giving me this opportunity.
Any feedback on functionality and other features?
The template was designed using DIV, CSS and CSS Grids. I have not used tables at all.
This project is a successful inclusion to my earlier list of Wordpress integration: Subroto Bagchi's blog and MindTree Foundation website.
Thanks to Zubin for giving me this opportunity.
Any feedback on functionality and other features?
Labels: Wordpress
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